Feed-Mixing Salt, Livestock Salt, and Salt for Pet Food
Livestock require a well-regimented diet of minerals, including salt (sodium chloride). Gunther Salt’s Feed-Mixing Rock Salt provides this nutrient with the added benefit of flavor.
Gunther Salt ensures your animals meet dietary requirements at every stage of life. From bulk deliveries to 50# bags of stock salt, we provide feed-mixing ag salt for your needs.
Seal a Deal on Out of Spec Ag Salt
Gunther Salt has over 2,000 tons in excess agricultural salt currently available. This salt supply is a fine powder useful for agriculture, salt brine or non-toxic weed killer. As a deal for our customers, we’re offering this salt free of charge. Loading and delivery fees apply — contact Gunther for more information.
Benefits of Livestock Salt
Sodium maintains the volume, pH, and osmolarity of body fluids — essentially, it supports muscle and nerve function in your cattle. Feed manufacturers use salt supplements to help their animals maintain consistent weight gain and healthy production. Gunther Salt’s feed-mixing salt allows you to measure the amount of salt your animals consume and support their growth.
Feed-Mixing Salt
Gunther Salt’s feed-mixing salt is premium sodium chloride sourced from salt mines in Louisiana. This product is free-flowing and cleaner than other feed-mix salts on the market. Our livestock salt’s purity makes it ideal for agricultural uses. Feed manufacturers often use our feed-mixing ag salt for the following animals:
• Hogs
• Dairy Cows
• Chicken
• Turkey
• Companion Animals
Our feed-mixing salt is sold in bulk or bags to meet your needs.
Sizes Available: 25-ton Dump Truck, 25-ton Pneumatic Truck, Hopper Bottom Truck, 1-ton Tote Bag (2000# Bag), and 50# Bag
How Feed Mixing Works
Animals have an appetite for salt, often seeking it out naturally. While they derive some levels of salt from foraging, feed manufacturers may see livestock consuming dirt, urine, or tree bark if they do not receive an adequate supply. Loose Livestock Salt may be measured and added to dry feed. This ag salt ultimately increases water intake, which in turn increases dry feed consumption — supporting the continued growth of your livestock.
Agricultural Salt Orders
Interested in our feed-mixing salt? Explore the following order options, from bulk deliveries to 50# bags of salt. The Gunther Salt team will contact you shortly.
For bulk orders, fill out the following form with your product and delivery information:
Bulk Order Now
For small or speciality orders, visit our Other Ordering page to contact a representative:
Other Ordering Options