Salt and Safety: How to Use Rock Salt for Snow and Ice Responsibly

Salt products keep our roads safe every winter. However, when not used responsibly, salt may negatively impact surfaces and vegetation. Safety starts with information, so the Gunther Salt team compiled some safety recommendations. Read on for a salt brand’s tips on using rock salt for snow — and find out more about Gunther’s rock salt for sale.

  1. Follow the salt brand’s instructions. 

Every bag of Gunther Salt has instructions on the side. To safely use our products, we recommend that you refer to the packaging for the proper application amount as well as where the product is safe to use. 

Remember: Patience is key when using rock salt or other ice melt products. Since salt melts ice gradually, applying more than the recommended amount won’t speed up the process. Instead, it may ultimately waste more product than necessary.

2. Wear gloves and boots. 

When handling Gunther Salt brand products, wearing gloves and boots when spreading the product is recommended. In particular, calcium chloride can be harmful when exposed to skin. Wearing gloves, boots and even eyewear when applying calcium chloride is a must.

In case of exposure to calcium chloride, there are a few steps to take quickly: 

  • Hands. Wash your hands with plenty of soap and water

  • Eyes. Immediately flush your eyes with running water for several minutes.

 3. Properly clean and dispose of excess salt. 

After severe weather, you will see rock salt for snow and ice remaining on the ground. Business owners and home owners are advised to remove the excess rather than letting it run off over time. Proactive cleanup can help you avoid unnecessary damage to surrounding surfaces and plants.

Excess salt may be removed by carefully sweeping or shoveling. Place the material in a suitable container and dispose of it in the trash according to local regulations. Though most rock salt for sale dissolves in water, we would not recommend pouring excess product down the drain.

Order Rock Salt for Snow and Ice 

Winter weather is unpredictable, but Gunther Salt brand products keep you ready for anything. Our team supplies businesses, hospitals, school districts, military bases, commercial snow plowers, municipalities, retailers, and other institutions with quality ice melt products that keep you safe. Whether you need rock salt in bulk or individual bags, Gunther Salt is here to help. 

To place your order for rock salt for snow and ice, please contact us at or Alternatively, all ice melt and rock salt products for sale may be ordered by calling 314-241-7075 or 800-873-7258. 


How to Select the Right Ice Melt Products for Your Business